Sunday, 11 September 2011

Being AWOL

I have to apologise for being absent without leave for the past month - but in Spain my blogging is severely restricted by the cost of having to use a dial up "dongle" method to use the internet.

For those of you who believed the early forecast of a long hot summer [at one time the word drought was even mentioned] and stayed for the wettest August for years I won't make it worse by writing about the superb weather we had in Spain. Sufficient to say on the night we flew home we went from 32 degrees down to 16.

I came back to a heavy first few days of work but I should be able to get back to my usual blogging routine soon.

Meanwhile I hope you are all OK and I look forward to catching up with my reading.


  1. You were missed. I'd like to hear more about the dongle method of using the internet.

  2. OK - non tech explanation for RWP. You purchase a dongle from mobile phone provider [in my case Mas Movil in Spain] and enter into a pay as you go contract and get an exclusive pin number. Insert the dongle into a USB port on your computer enter your pin number when requested on the screen and press connect. Hopefully provided a reasonable local connection can be made off you go on to the internet. It works for me in Spain.

  3. I don't even know what a dongle is and would feel silly asking for one....
